
Hello, fellow computer users! So glad you're reading my blog. Anyway, just wanted to tell you what this site is all about. I'm pretty much just blogging about books, movies, TV shows, music, and any other random thought that comes to my head (because isn't that what blogging is all about?). So sit back, relax, and START READING!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cat Lovers Pasta

Breaking News!  My mom just got me Cat Lovers Pasta.  Cat.  Lovers.  Pasta.  It is a Christmas miracle.

Now I'm not completely sure if I should be happy about this or just sort of insulted.  I'm going to choose to be happy about it.  I can only hope that you all get your own version of Cat Lovers Pasta.  That is my Christmas wish.  Merry *almost* Christmas!

ox, SC

Baby It's Cold Outside (Parody) - Marc and Nathan

Merry Christmas Eve, my dears!  I hope you've been having an absolutely magical Christmas season.  Now Christmas is the time of year that YouTubers really step up their game and the hilarious YouTube duo Marc and Nathan are no exception.  As we all know the song "Baby It's Cold Outside" is a bit creepy if you think about it (even the Elf version - okay, especially the Elf version), but Marc and Nathan truly take this song to a new level.

This is why you should always carry pepper spray, girls.  Never trust boys who take advantage of the holidays.

Have a very merry Christmas, kiddos!  I love you all in a cynical, distant sort of way.  Which reminds me - my family and I will be on the road this week and next week heading to Florida (and back home) but I'll try to keep posting.  If I can't happy New Year in advance.

- Sarcastic Chick

Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello again, dearest readers!  So sorry for the long absence - I really have no excuse other than pure laziness.  So why have I picked up blogging again?  Well, for one I missed all of you dearies.  And it might have something to do with the fact that I have finals this week.  There truly is no better way to procrastinate than blogging.  You should try it sometime.

In order for me to keep blogging (and not leave for another, oh, six months) I'm going to try to release a new post at least every Monday (because we all know Mondays suck and every little thing helps).  Sometimes I'll release more than one post a week and sometimes I won't release any (because, shockingly, I do have a life).

Anyway, consider this my early Christmas present to you - do with it what you will.  Have a merry Christmas and keep checking in for new posts.

ox, Sarcastic Chick

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beauty Queen by Bop Skizzum

Happy July, kiddies!  Hope your summer has been fabulous.  Don't worry, I won't keep you from your suntanning much longer.  I just dropped by to show you a great new music video by Bop Skizzum.  The first time I saw it I got half way through and then bought the song on iTunes.  So yeah, I guess you could say I like it.  It's sort of rock/indie/blues - different from the norm but in a good way.  Their unique style is probably one the best and coolest things about them.  Enjoy:

Hope you guys are having a great summer.  Make sure to listen to plenty of good music for me.

ox, Sarcastic Chick

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami (Translated by Yuji Oniki)

As you probably know, one of the most popular book series out right now is The Hunger Games. While I'm not a huge fan of The Hunger Games (kind of like Harry Potter - tried to read the books, watched the movies, still a little bored), I do enjoy the dystopian genre so when I heard that there was a book similar to The Hunger Games I thought, "What the hell? I'll give it a shot." So here's the book that I've been meaning to blog about for two or so months now...


Battle Royale
Summary: A class of Japanese students is taken to a deserted island where the government is forcing them to fight to the death. Each student is provided with a weapon and some rations. The students are forced to kill one another until there is only one left. And if no one dies within 24 hours? Every student is killed. Now the students have to decide whether they are going to play the sick game or if they are going to fight back - even if fighting back means certain death. Who will have to strength to survive? And does anyone truly win in Battle Royale?

What I thought of the book:

I honestly don't think I can put into words how much I loved this book. Heart-breaking, thrilling, suspenseful, and full-on creepy, this book rocks. There are great plot-twists and not to mention some amazing characters. The author did a great job with the bad guys especially - they're the kind of people you love to hate but at the same time feel a little bit sorry for. Seriously, probably one of my favorite books of all time (which is saying a lot, seeing as my own mother called me a "book snob").

When I describe the book to my friends they're always like, "So it's a Japanese Hunger Games." NO. If anything, The Hunger Games is actually an American Battle Royale. You know why? Because Battle Royale came out in 199-freaking-9 and the first Hunger Games book came out in 2008. Nine years, Battle Royale was out before The Hunger Games.

Now, I'm not saying the two books aren't similar. In fact, they are suspiciously similar. Am I saying that Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, copied Battle Royale? Um, hell yeah. At first I didn't think so - I just thought they had a similar idea going on and I was totally fine with that. It happens all the time in the world of writing. But then I found more and more and more little details that happened to be the same in both books. Let me give you a list of a few of them:

1.      They use bird calls and fires to communicate.
2.      Someone who is a small hero (not necessarily a main character, but someone you wanted to live) dies while using said bird calls and fires to communicate.
3.      The really pretty people are the most cruel and the most willing to kill/start killing first.
4.      A boy and a girl who sort of knew each other before being forced to kill each other (but not really) team up.
5.      A best friend dies.
6.      Said boy and girl develop romance.
7.      Said boy gets a leg injury.
8.      Said boy and girl are given help from a person who has "won" the games before.
9.      Two people survive. Guess who they are.
10.  There is an even ratio of boys to girls.
So yes, I think Suzanne Collins copied a great amount of ideas from Battle Royale. This is greatly disappointing to me because I absolutely love her other series The Underlander Chronicles. But now all I can do is wonder what book those ideas came from. *shakes head in utter disapproval*

There are some differences though. Battle Royale is set in a more modern-day Japan (though the technology is much cool than the stuff in The Hunger Games). Also, Battle Royale is way more violent and heart-wrenching than The Hunger Games. And the point of view is different (Hunger Games is first person while Battle Royale is third).

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that before you start declaring that The Hunger Games is the best goddamn book in the whole entire universe, just give Battle Royale a try. You might actually like it better. I sure did (if you couldn't tell).

Later, Sarcastic Chick

PS Battle Royale was made into several comic books and also into a movie in 2000.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Playlist

Okay, I realize that I dropped off the face of the world for a while, but I figure that it's summer and I deserve the little bit of freedom that I can manage to get (and it, sadly, isn't much).  Anyway, to welcome summer, I've made myself a "Summer Playlist" for my iPod (I firmly believe that every season should have its own playlist), and now I'm going to share my wonderful playlist with all of you.  You're so welcome, as always.
  1. Summertime - My Chemical Romance:  I had to add a My Chemical Romance song on here.  This is my current favorite song and my official "summer song."
  2. When the Day Met the Night - Panic! At the Disco:  Another current favorite.  Is it just me or would this song be a great lullaby?
  3. I Like It Like That - Hot Chelle Rae:  This is the kind of song I'd blast in my car while driving to the beach... if I lived by a beach.  Man, I want to live by a beach.
  4. Flavor of the Weak - American Hi-Fi:  Song of the week!  Or was it weak?  Hmm...  (But seriously, this is a great song)
  5. Teenagers - My Chemical Romance:  I love MCR.  Love them.  And this is one of my favorite songs ever.  I feel like I should blast this as loud as I can whenever I listen to it.
  6. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - My Chemical Romance:  This has the best lyric video by far.  Plus, it's a great party song.  And yes, there are 12 "Na's" in the title.  That's how you know it's good.
  7. Gives You Hell - All-American Rejects:  Mad at your ex?  This is the song for you.  (Still mad?  Check out this song by The Downtown Fiction)
  8. Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind) - Panic! At the Disco:  I don't know about you, but this song just makes me want to dance.  And drink Coke.
  9. Our Time Now - Plain White T's:  A classic summer song, plus who can forget The Plain White T's?
  10. The Calendar - Panic! At the Disco:  Technically, this is my end-of-summer song, but it still goes on the list because it rocks.  And I wanted 10 songs on here.

Do you have your own summer playlist?  What are some of your favorite "summer" songs?  Comment below!
I hope you enjoyed (and if you didn't, well, too bad).  Have a great summer, you guys!
ox, Sarcastic Chick

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Idiot Nerd Girl Meme

Okay, we've all met someone like this before.  Someone who really, really wants to be considered nerdy so that they can be cool.  Not sure how they come to that conclusion, but who am I to judge, right?  Anyway, here are some of my favorite Idiot Nerd Girl memes.

Idiot Nerd Girl

Idiot Nerd Girl

Idiot Nerd Girl

Idiot Nerd Girl

Idiot Nerd Girl

 Idiot Nerd Girl

Idiot Nerd Girl

So what did you think of Idiot Nerd Girl?  Is she really an idiot?  Is she really a nerd?  Is she really a gi-...wait, never mind.

Peace, SC

*Note: If you do any of these things, nothing against you.  I did not make these up... I just thought they were really funny.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dear Guys...

Ah yes, the moment you were all waiting for - when I actually blog about my life (which is really rather dull most of the time actually).  But please, dear readers, do not hold your breath because this will happen only once every blue moon.  So enjoy it while you can (Or don't.  That's really up to you).

Anyway, I got together with a friend a couple of days ago.  We started talking about what every girl conversation eventually seems to turn to - guys.  Why do girls do this?  Who knows.  Probably because the male species is seems so strange to us.  But that's another discussion entirely...

Our conversation went something like this:

Her:  "My question is how can girls that are total psychopaths get boyfriends/dates and we can't."
Me:  "Exactly.  It's not like we're that unattractive or weird.  Well, okay, we're a little weird.  But we're not that strange."

So we asked my younger brother for advice.

Her:  "So these girls are insane and not that pretty or anything and they have boyfriends.  Why don't we?"
Him:  "Um, maybe there's something wrong with them [the guys]."

We have decided that he is wise beyond his years.

But I would still like to know: why?  Why some girls and not others?  Do all guys truly care about only how "hot" a girl is?  Or can I hold out some hope that somewhere there's a decent guy who actually cares about what girls are like personality wise?

So I guess it all leads up to this:

Dear Guys,

Please, please, actually notice us nice, not totally insane girls sometime.  Yes, us sitting in the back of the room with "Forever Alone" practically tattooed on our forehead.  I promise we're not that bad.  Thanks.

Sincerely, Forever Alone Girls

What do you guys think?  Is there something wrong with me or is there something wrong with the rest of the world?  Perhaps it's both.  Oh well.  Excuse me, I have to go feed my twenty cats now.

With love, Sarcastic Chick

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy Meme

Even though my friend (who will probably read this) is going to kill me for posting so late, I just had to show you guys this meme.  Because I absolutely LOVE him!  I'm not joking (okay, I might be joking a little bit), I'm going to marry this guy.  So here's my future husband - Ridiculously Photogenic Guy!

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy

Ridiculously photogenic guy
Isn't he absolutely ah-mazing?  Yes, yes, he is.

ox, Sarcastic Chick

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Don't Make Snuggle Angry

I just saw the real commercial on TV and just had to post this.  I can't tell if I'm scared of the little guy or want to give him a hug.  Maybe a little bit of both.

Top 10 People I Would Not Want to Hang Out With

Hello again, dearest readers.  Sorry for not posting but school, friends, family, and breathing have been taking up a lot of my time.  Never fear, I am back and have brought with me a new post.  So please enjoy these Top 10 People I Would Not Want to Hang Out With and be sure to comment on who you wouldn't want to hang out with below.

Rachel Berry from Glee

Yes, it would be cool to hear her sing and all, but her super perky "I'm the best" attitude would get on my nerves faster than you can say "music mash-up."

Adolf Hitler

Sure, he's passionate, but there's a fine line between passion and full out crazy.  He crossed that line.

Kanye West

Let's just say I hate being interrupted.

Chris Brown

Call me crazy, but I'm not too big on chillin' with guys who beat up girls.  Then again he is a super hero... (Don't know what I'm talking about?  Check out this video)


Seeing as I'm a muggle, I don't think that meeting would go well.

 Mario and Luigi

While they may save me from Bowser, they also travel via sewer.  Ew.  And it might be a problem bringing him home to the 'rents.  Check out more problems in this video.

Harry Potter

At first Harry was all cute and new to magic.  And then he ended up being a jerk.  See what magic can do to a guy?

Edward Cullen

So...many...sparkles!  A disgrace to vampires everywhere.

Chuck Norris

I'm not too keen on hanging with a guy who thinks homosexuals should be kept out of Boy Scouts.

This Squirrel

 Just kidding, I'd love to hang out with this squirrel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where Not to Go While Babysitting

I've recently gotten the job as.... wait for it.... wait for it.... nanny!  It's a summer job and sure to be very, um, interesting.  So to help myself and anyone else who is watching young ones, I've created a list of places you should not go while babysitting.

The Zoo

While you might think it's a great idea to bring the kiddies to the zoo to look at all the fun animals, remember - the zoo is filled with large animals that want to eat you.  And all that is separating them from you is a thin layer of glass.

The Movie Theater

Another seemingly innocent idea gone awry.  What are you going to do when a commercial for the latest horror movie pops up?  Or when the children ask you why the teenage couple behind you won't stop kissing (and such)?

The Mall

I know you and your friends might have a blast chilling at the food court and shopping at Hot Topic, but let me remind you that the mall is a scary, scary place.  For instance, Spencer's.

Me:  *walks into Spencer's*  I smell *sniff, sniff* pedophiles.

And I don't think you'd want to take the kids to pedo-land.

On a Road Trip

Road trip = confined in a car with these little brats for hours.  That is hours of this:

"Are we there yet?"  "No"  "How 'bout now?"  "Does it look like we're there yet?"  "No..."  "Then we're not there yet."  "Are we there yet?"

And repeat.

The Pool

Let's be honest.  You're going to be waaay too busy checking out the lifeguard to watch the kids.  And it's always really awkward when you have to tell the parents that their kids drowned.

The Library

Now, I know most librarians are really sweet and love kids.  But I work at a library and I know what violent thoughts cross your mind when a kiddie decides to go through and dump your hours work of sorting on the ground.  And it is way more awkward telling the parents that their kid was murdered by a librarian than that they drowned.

What are some places you would never go while babysitting?  Comment below!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Epic Rap Battles of History: Dr. Seuss VS Shakespeare

Epic Rap Battles of History.  Now how do I describe this?  Well, two people (or two groups) go into an epic rap battle.  I'm not really sure how to describe it in deeper detail.  You'll have to watch to find out.  This episode:  Dr. Seuss VS Shakespeare

Who do you think won?  Vote in the poll (on your right, people) or comment below.  (I'm voting Dr. Seuss - gotta love Thing 1 and Thing 2)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Now on Facebook!

You can now find Insert Sarcastic Comment Here on facebook!  Remember to click "like" to get updates on new posts and have notifications about the site before anyone else (you might as well like it; it's not like you're doing anything important right now).  Also, new videos and pictures will be posted on the facebook page.  Check it out: Insert Sarcastic Comment Here - Now on Facebook!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

So Gosh Darn Quotable

There are some people in the world that are just so gosh darn quotable!  Here are a few of my favorites:

  • "Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope." ~ Author Unknown
  • "Understand death? Sure. That's when the monsters got you." ~ Stephen King, Salem's Lot
  • "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is stregnth undefeatable." ~ Hellen Keller
  • "It is easy to hate and difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get." ~ Rene Descartes
  • "To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." ~ Bertrand Russell
  • "I don't know what's wating for us when we die - something better, something worse. I only know I'm not ready to find out yet." ~ Charles De Lint, The Onion Girl
  • "Everyone carries around his own monsters." ~ Richard Pryor
  • "Fear is only as deep as the mind allows." ~ Japanese Proverb

Cereal Mascot Therapy Session

"Cereal Mascot Therapy Session" by College Humor is the one of my very, very, very favorite YouTube videos ever.  Everyone knows how creepy and totally messed up cereal mascots are.  This is what would happen if all of the cereal mascots went to group therapy (hint: it isn't a good idea).  It is also one of the most quotable videos ever.

"It could be worse - you could work for Raisin Bran."  "Let's get this party started!  *sniff, sniff* Follow your nose!  *splat*"

*WARNING:  This video isn't very appropriate for kids of all ages, if ya know what I mean. (Don't worry, it's just language.  Jeez, what kind of person do you think I am?)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


A website I'm constantly on is SmartphOWNED.  If you've never heard of it, it's pretty much just a website where you can share your embarrassing, weird, or just plain funny texts.  Here's a few of my favorites:

Relationships - <p>KateHow could you?? I trusted you and you cheated on me!!!<br>Oh, sorry Dad. That was meant for Jim<br>Oh.<br>On a completely unrelated topic, have you seen my shotgun anywhere?</p>

Other - <p>SonSon, your in big trouble.<br>WHY?<br>Because your texting me while your in school.<br>Are your serious?!! You texted me first!</p>

Awkward Parents - <p>Mom. Where are you????<br>Leaving walmart. Halfway home. Why sweetie?<br>You brought me to walmart with you -.-<br>OH DARN! Be there in a bit</p>

Other - <p>BFFHey<br>Yeah?<br>When I die...<br>Uh Huh<br>Go to my funeral and dramaticly fall to your knees in front of my cascut and yell 'WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?'<br>Challenge accepted. :)</p>

Other - <p>RyanDude you were so drunk last night.<br>I was NOT that drunk.<br>You walked up to my mom and said 'Voldemort, I'm ready to die!'<br>What's your point?</p>

Awkward Parents - <p>MomMom! I think there's a theif in the house! COME HOME !<br>Go hide in your closset! NOW!
I'll be home in 15 minutes!<br>I can hear steps mom! IM SCARED!<br>Just be quiet honey!<br>Okay, i think he's gone now.. phew! But i can't get out of the closset! OMG, HE LOCKED ME IN!!<br>No he didn't, i did. And i came early home from the meeting. Omg, you are easy to scare!
PS. Hope you still talking to me!
Love you. - Mom. :-)</p>

*WARNING:  Some of the stuff on this site isn't exactly, eh-hem, appropriate for all ages.  Just thought you should know.

Good Guy Greg Meme vs Scumbag Steve Meme

Two very popular memes are Good Guy Greg and Scumbag Steve.  The names are pretty self-explanatory - Good Guy Greg = good, Scumbag Steve = bad.  So I decided to have a Good Guy Greg vs Scumbag Steve war.  Here it goes:

Good Guy Greg
Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg
Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg
Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg
Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg
Scumbag Steve

Who do you think won?  Comment below!