
Hello, fellow computer users! So glad you're reading my blog. Anyway, just wanted to tell you what this site is all about. I'm pretty much just blogging about books, movies, TV shows, music, and any other random thought that comes to my head (because isn't that what blogging is all about?). So sit back, relax, and START READING!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cirque Dans La Rue by the Plain White T's

I'm a huge Plain White T's fan and this is one of my favorite songs.  It's the kind of song that makes you want to dance (or maybe that's just me).  My favorite line of the song would have to be "Leave reality outside and come along for the ride."  So ignore the odd name and enjoy the song.

Now, I want to note that whoever made this video did an awesome job.  I've tried to make a lyric video and, believe me, it is not as easy as it looks.

Things Girls Shouldn't Buy... Ever.

Okay, we've all seen some pretty weird stuff while shopping.  Some of it's funny and some of it is just weird.  Here are a couple of products that are both funny and weird!

Beauty Smile Trainer Product

Question:  How would you talk with this thing in your mouth?  And how would you eat?  Worse, what would happen if it fell out?  I'm pretty sure this creates more awkward situations than it's worth.  Plus, it just looks damn uncomfortable.


Sorry, girls, but I don't think this cookie is really going to make you an F-Cup.  It just looks nasty.


Girls, let me make this totally clear: You are better than this!  You do not need to "grow" a boyfriend.  Ever.


Way uncomfortable and even weirder than stuffing your bra.

And look what I found!  The official BOOTY POP commercial.  I couldn't even watch the whole thing, I was feeling so sorry for these girls.

Boyfriend Pillow

I want you to really quick imagine your friend coming into your room and seeing this pillow.  Now imagine what they would say to you.  Hint:  If I was that friend, I think I'd start and intervention.

Justin Bieber Thong Underwear

Justin Bieber's name should never, ever be this close to your crotch.

The Wine Rack Bra

Good news!  Now you can get drunk AND look like you have a bigger chest.  Geez, whoever made this must have a ton of respect for women.

The Kush Support

You know how uncomfortable having your boobs squish together while you're sleeping is.  Oh wait... it really isn't.  Huh.

Make A Boyfriend Kit

This is just like the GROW A BOYFRIEND.  Just.  Don't.  Do.  It.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Flying Turtle

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!  Let us celebrate by watching yet another hilarious YouTube clip.  This time it is "The Flying Turtle" by bobjenz.  This is one of those videos you watch and then send to your friends right away because you know it'll make them laugh.  Remember to listen to the lyrics and laugh your heart out (But not really.  That would be gross).

Monday, February 13, 2012

And a Very Harry Valentine's Day To You

As you may (or may not, if you're a guy) know, tomorrow if Valentine's Day.  Now, I could go into how some people L-O-V-E Valentine's Day and probably sacrifice goats to sustain the gods of love for another year, or I could talk about how some people hate the day of love and go on rants about it.  Seeing as discussing either is pretty overdone (and I'm too lazy for that - I mean come on, I haven't posted in, like, a month and you expect me to come up with a huge argument?  You people obviously don't know me well enough) I'm going to talk about something we all love - Potter Puppet Pals.

If you haven't heard of this hilarious YouTube sensation, you're probably living under a rock.  With no Internet.  Or human interaction (which leads me to wonder how you got onto this blog...).   But I like to accommodate everyone, even those who live under rocks, so I'll tell you a little bit about these videos.

Potter Puppet Pals is a spoof on Harry Potter.  They use puppets (bet you didn't know that) to act out scenes with the Harry Potter characters.  Even if you aren't a big Harry Potter fan, these videos are super funny.  And it's a great talking point with your friends that are Harry Potter fans (and don't tell me you don't have any friends that don't like Harry Potter).

My Top Five Favorites:
  1. The Mysterious Ticking Noise - The classic Potter Puppet Pals video.  Ask anyone who has watched these videos and they will immediately start singing this song (or at least attempt to).
  2. The Vortex - The first time I watched this, I sprayed hot chocolate out of my nose.  (word of advice: don't spray hot chocolate out of your nose.  It hurts)
  3. Snape' Diary (Extended version) -  Definitely the most quotable video.  "I hope you find your button, Snape."  "So do I, Orange One.  So.  Do.  I."
  4. Draco Puppet - I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for Draco in this one.  You'll have to watch to find out why.
  5. Wizard Swears - Probably the second most popular Potter Puppet Pals video (right after "The Mysterious Ticking Noise").  It's even rated PG-13 for language and boyish attitude.

Sad I didn't talk more about the people who love/hate V-Day?  Here's a video to make up for it: Messy Mondays: I Love/Hate Valentine's Day