
Hello, fellow computer users! So glad you're reading my blog. Anyway, just wanted to tell you what this site is all about. I'm pretty much just blogging about books, movies, TV shows, music, and any other random thought that comes to my head (because isn't that what blogging is all about?). So sit back, relax, and START READING!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cat Lovers Pasta

Breaking News!  My mom just got me Cat Lovers Pasta.  Cat.  Lovers.  Pasta.  It is a Christmas miracle.

Now I'm not completely sure if I should be happy about this or just sort of insulted.  I'm going to choose to be happy about it.  I can only hope that you all get your own version of Cat Lovers Pasta.  That is my Christmas wish.  Merry *almost* Christmas!

ox, SC

Baby It's Cold Outside (Parody) - Marc and Nathan

Merry Christmas Eve, my dears!  I hope you've been having an absolutely magical Christmas season.  Now Christmas is the time of year that YouTubers really step up their game and the hilarious YouTube duo Marc and Nathan are no exception.  As we all know the song "Baby It's Cold Outside" is a bit creepy if you think about it (even the Elf version - okay, especially the Elf version), but Marc and Nathan truly take this song to a new level.

This is why you should always carry pepper spray, girls.  Never trust boys who take advantage of the holidays.

Have a very merry Christmas, kiddos!  I love you all in a cynical, distant sort of way.  Which reminds me - my family and I will be on the road this week and next week heading to Florida (and back home) but I'll try to keep posting.  If I can't happy New Year in advance.

- Sarcastic Chick

Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello again, dearest readers!  So sorry for the long absence - I really have no excuse other than pure laziness.  So why have I picked up blogging again?  Well, for one I missed all of you dearies.  And it might have something to do with the fact that I have finals this week.  There truly is no better way to procrastinate than blogging.  You should try it sometime.

In order for me to keep blogging (and not leave for another, oh, six months) I'm going to try to release a new post at least every Monday (because we all know Mondays suck and every little thing helps).  Sometimes I'll release more than one post a week and sometimes I won't release any (because, shockingly, I do have a life).

Anyway, consider this my early Christmas present to you - do with it what you will.  Have a merry Christmas and keep checking in for new posts.

ox, Sarcastic Chick