
Hello, fellow computer users! So glad you're reading my blog. Anyway, just wanted to tell you what this site is all about. I'm pretty much just blogging about books, movies, TV shows, music, and any other random thought that comes to my head (because isn't that what blogging is all about?). So sit back, relax, and START READING!

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Game: Fish

In honor of my little brother who is in love with fish, I've added a new game to this site.  Yay!  It's called "Fish" and is very, very, very simple.  It probably shouldn't even be called a game.  But whatever.  Anyway, all you do is click on blue part and a bit of fish food appears where you clicked your cursor.  Then the fish swarm over in a panicked frenzy and eat the food as fast as they can while you watch in a fascinated horror.  It's surprisingly fun.  Now I have a question for you: what colors should the fish be?  Blue, green, white, black, orange, red, and yellow are the main colors, but I might be able to change them into something different.  Please post your suggestions below!

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