I've recently gotten the job as.... wait for it.... wait for it.... nanny! It's a summer job and sure to be very, um, interesting. So to help myself and anyone else who is watching young ones, I've created a list of places you should not go while babysitting.
The Zoo

While you might think it's a great idea to bring the kiddies to the zoo to look at all the fun animals, remember - the zoo is filled with large animals that want to eat you. And all that is separating them from you is a thin layer of glass.
The Movie Theater

Another seemingly innocent idea gone awry. What are you going to do when a commercial for the latest horror movie pops up? Or when the children ask you why the teenage couple behind you won't stop kissing (and such)?
The Mall

I know you and your friends might have a blast chilling at the food court and shopping at Hot Topic, but let me remind you that the mall is a scary, scary place. For instance, Spencer's.
Me: *walks into Spencer's* I smell *sniff, sniff* pedophiles.
And I don't think you'd want to take the kids to pedo-land.
On a Road Trip

Road trip = confined in a car with these little brats for hours. That is hours of this:
"Are we there yet?" "No" "How 'bout now?" "Does it look like we're there yet?" "No..." "Then we're not there yet." "Are we there yet?"
And repeat.
The Pool

Let's be honest. You're going to be waaay too busy checking out the lifeguard to watch the kids. And it's always really awkward when you have to tell the parents that their kids drowned.
The Library

Now, I know most librarians are really sweet and love kids. But I work at a library and I know what violent thoughts cross your mind when a kiddie decides to go through and dump your hours work of sorting on the ground. And it is way more awkward telling the parents that their kid was murdered by a librarian than that they drowned.
What are some places you would never go while babysitting? Comment below!
The Zoo

While you might think it's a great idea to bring the kiddies to the zoo to look at all the fun animals, remember - the zoo is filled with large animals that want to eat you. And all that is separating them from you is a thin layer of glass.
The Movie Theater

Another seemingly innocent idea gone awry. What are you going to do when a commercial for the latest horror movie pops up? Or when the children ask you why the teenage couple behind you won't stop kissing (and such)?
The Mall

I know you and your friends might have a blast chilling at the food court and shopping at Hot Topic, but let me remind you that the mall is a scary, scary place. For instance, Spencer's.
Me: *walks into Spencer's* I smell *sniff, sniff* pedophiles.
And I don't think you'd want to take the kids to pedo-land.
On a Road Trip

Road trip = confined in a car with these little brats for hours. That is hours of this:
"Are we there yet?" "No" "How 'bout now?" "Does it look like we're there yet?" "No..." "Then we're not there yet." "Are we there yet?"
And repeat.
The Pool
Let's be honest. You're going to be waaay too busy checking out the lifeguard to watch the kids. And it's always really awkward when you have to tell the parents that their kids drowned.
The Library

Now, I know most librarians are really sweet and love kids. But I work at a library and I know what violent thoughts cross your mind when a kiddie decides to go through and dump your hours work of sorting on the ground. And it is way more awkward telling the parents that their kid was murdered by a librarian than that they drowned.
What are some places you would never go while babysitting? Comment below!